Each of the presentations are from the 2013 Litter Summit sponsored by Domino's Pizza and are available for download as a .pdf file below. Select the name of the person who gave the presentation you are interested in.
Margo Richards, Texas Department of Transportation will relate the economic benefits of the famous Don't Mess with Texas campaign. With many councils and officers disappointed by the fractured nature of anti-litter campaigns here, this presentation will demonstrate the sound economic case for pooling resources and launching such an ambitious campaign (30 minutes)
Derek Robertson, Chief Executive Keep Scotland Beautiful discussing the recently launched Clean Up Scotland campaign. A follow-up to our keynote speaker, Derek will talk about how a similar campaign can gain political backing and be implemented in the UK (20 minutes)
Philip Doherty, Speaking on behalf of Michael Culbert, Belfast CC describing the change in the Falls Park West Belfast from no-go area to vibrant community park, with improvements in amenity and ASB culminating in the Green Flag Award for parks and open spaces (20 minutes)
Karsten Schmidt, project leader and research assistant, iNudgeyou, Copenhagen will discuss a number of programmes and social experiments that have measured the effect of alternative campaign methods. A counterpoint to previous speakers, this presentation will focus on smaller-scale, low-cost ways of 'nudging' people to improve their behaviour. (30 minutes)
Jim Allen, Coleraine BC will talk about council-run anti-litter campaigns, how they can compete for attention with social networking and other pastimes in young people, and how they affect the areas in which they take place (10 minutes). Unfortunately Jim was unable to attend having been injured the day before the event.
Philip Thompson, Larne BC will discuss the management of dog fouling and litter, which local Councillors wish to see properly addressed at a local level, and describe the a three-pronged approach Larne have been progressing based around education, cleansing and enforcement. (10 minutes)
Martin McCook, Coleraine BC presenting on the various methods of securing abandoned buildings and derelict sites and how to prevent or remediate fly-tipping and graffiti (10 minutes)
Phil Brennan, APSE will be talking about the benefits of performance management and benchmarking and looking at how it can be used to improve services. He will cover the latest trends in environmental and street cleansing services and focus on data from Performance Networks, APSE's benchmarking model, the largest public sector model in Europe. (20 minutes)
Chris Allen, TIDY NI on litter levels, the impact of fixed penalties and whether there is a better way of educating the public about council efforts in this area (10 minutes)
Paul Slowey, Fermanagh DC will talk about their street cleansing systems which have resulted in consistently excellent scores in the TIDY NI Borough Survey (10 minutes)
David Armstrong, Mallard Consultancy reviewing recent legal issues in Northern Ireland, including the use of the caution in official notices. David will also be available throughout the day to answer questions and queries (20 minutes)
Martyn Jeynes, Maidstone BC discussing the use of private contractors to deliver litter and ASB enforcement – the costs, the benefits, the pitfalls, the public and political perception and the results (20 minutes)